Monday, 20 April 2020

I'm starting a birding course this week and so I am really looking out for birds in my neighbourhood.  I noticed a gorgeous bird up high on a street light - so I took a picture for the observations from isolation project.

Then its little friend caught my eye.
Is that cute or what?

Its almost Earth Day!
I have an Earth Day assignment for you that requires a little preparation.

Your Earth Day assignment will be to have a conversation with an elderly person around the topic of climate change. Draw a Then and Now picture based on their climate conversation, demonstrating the difference between the past and current ways of living and how that impacts climate change. Demonstrate a positive action for the environment. You will work on this whole assignment over the next few days - it should not be completed today.

Today I would like you to:
1. Choose one topic for your climate conversation - weather, food or transportation.
2. In your learning journal - brainstorm a list of questions specific to your topic. 
Examples : Weather - How have the seasons change in your lifetime? Food - Did you eat differently before? Has the way you eat changed? Transportation - How has the way people move around changed?
3. Figure out who you will interview. This person should be much older than you - you grandparent's age. They could be in your family or another member of your community. Ask your parents for help if you need to. The interview could be done many different ways: on the phone, by email, online etc..

Literacy - Book Study
Please read chapter 8 of The Giver or Gathering Blue. Please remember that you will be writing an essay comparing the community in your book and the community you live in.

Continue working on yesterday's assignment.

Remember - you are awesome!
Virtual high five!

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