Friday 27 May 2022

 Another beautiful learning hike!

One of our questions from our tree inquiry was "How old are the trees?"

We looked at this tree that was cut down because it was a dead standing tree. There is one dark ring for every year the tree was alive. How old was this tree?

"The rings on the tree look like the rings on this snail."

The May Apples have their flowers now! You just have to look underneath.

Thursday 26 May 2022

 Today we looked at the "at" family of words.

We started by reading The Cat in the Hat.

How many "at" words can you think of at home?

Wednesday 25 May 2022

 Outdoor Learning!

We started by visiting Sharkey.

"Sharkey has leaves again!"

"He's not bald anymore!"

We also noticed that the branch that was broken is now fully broken off. 

Today we learned that not all plants are good for our forest. 

This plant is called garlic mustard and it is not good for the forest. It is called an invasive species. It is not meant to be here and it will take over from the other plants.
The garlic mustard is growing in big patches. 

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Continuing our learning about trees,  we read the wonderful "Picture a Tree" by Barbara Reid.

We are creating trees using plasticine - just like Barbara Reid!

We are building with parts of trees.

We are graphing trees.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

We had a wonderful discussion around how each family is different and how wonderful it is to have differences in our families.

 The discussion was sparked by  looking at images like this one.

So many wonderful things growing in our classroom!

Our vegetables are sprouting and growing!

The oak tree is starting to grow out of Daisy's acorn!

Friday 13 May 2022

 It has finally arrived! Our class cookbook!

Please find your copy of our cookbook in backpacks. Enjoy!

Wednesday 11 May 2022

 Wondering Wednesday! Today we were wondering what hand each person writes with.

"Right is the most"

"Left is the least"

To connect Wondering Wednesday and our learning about trees, we asked some great questions that we are still wondering about trees.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

 Outdoor learning brought us new spring delights!

An American Toad!
Woodland Strawberry- Ms. Babcock's favourite!
We aren't sure what this one is - but we are trying to find out!

Oh the creativity with new building materials!
Oliver made a big snowflake out of little snowflakes!

Monday 9 May 2022

 Continuing our learning about trees we read The Giving Tree. A classic.

Throughout the week we will each be doing a reading reflection and an art reflection for the story.

Saturday 7 May 2022

 Thank you to Ms. Angastiniotis for setting up a wonderful storywalk for us to enjoy.

The story was called "Listen tot he Language of the Trees." A wonderful book teaching us about how plants and trees communicate.

The pages of the book were set out all along the trail, so we were reading as we walked along.

We also noticed all the amazing spring plants waking up!
Yellow Trout Lily and Mayapple.
Blood Root and Trilliums!

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Each day after lunch, we work on our creative writing.

What sentences can you create with these words?

"The cat is little and the cow is big."
"I see a little cat and a big dog."
"The little and big cats."
"The big dog and the little dog."
"I can see the big cat and little dog."

Monday 2 May 2022

 Eid Mubarak!


I am so grateful to Nouman and family for gifting me with these delicious Eid treats. They were very much enjoyed by my family. I wish everyone who celebrates - Eid Mubarak!

I was so excited about Daisy's acorn find on Friday (see Friday's blogpost), I did some learning of my own so we could explore more about acorns this week. It turns what I thought was a sprout, is probably a tap root. So we planted it upside down! We corrected our mistake.

Now the root is going down into the soil and we are hoping that the sprout will come up soon!

We read "Because of an Acorn"

We have started learning how an acorn becomes an oak tree.