Friday 30 April 2021

Below is a message from Mrs. Rifle. 

Please get thinking about your profile information; memories etc.

You don't need to send your submissions - we will work on it together next week and I'll provide a form for you.

Dear Moraine Hills Class of 2021, 

We are compiling photographs and input for Graduation. We are asking each Grade 8 student to take a selfie/photograph and send it in for our 2020-2021 Graduation composite.

In ordinary times, we would have students wear a white collared shirt. Some students may choose to wear ties, however, this is not necessary.

Please submit your selfie/photograph as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, May 7th. Full face, from the shoulders up. 

As well, each student is asked to send a  profile of yourself which might include a favourite elementary school memory,  a quote that has special meaning for you,  your wish for the future, your nickname, your ambition for the future…  feel free to use your imagination but keep in mind … It must be positive and no inside jokes will be accepted. Please, you must ask permission if you are including another person’s name (just as we learned from our Digital Footprint lessons this year). Please ensure that your name is included on your submission.


Please send all submissions to:  or or  ​ 

Schedule for Monday May 3rd

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: Monday Morning Motivation

9:00  - Community Circle - Goal setting

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math  - Integers

11:20 - Work period: Science, Music

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Digital Literacy

2:00 - Phys Ed

Thursday 29 April 2021


Starting next week I will be picking each of you to lead a quick DPA or physical brain break.  It could be a YouTube video like this one or an activity like those I have been giving you (go up and down the stairs five times.) Your activity should take about five minutes or less. Please make sure you have one planned and aren't scrambling to come up with something on the spot.


Based on the video above, whose philosophy of Dance do you most align with and why? Please write your reflection in your learning journal.


Here are the models we learned today for multiplying and dividing integers. Please make sure you understand how to use these models as it will be an expectation on the upcoming quiz. Make sure you have shared you answer (model included) to (-3) x (+3)=  either in your learning journal or in our private chat.

Schedule for Friday April 30th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: Look at the struggles of this mama bear. Go and thank your parents for all they do for you every day. Note in you Wake up to Wellness Challenge how you felt after showing your gratitude.

9:00  - Community Circle - Check- in Wake up to Wellness Challenge!

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math  - Fun Friday!

11:20 - Music - Composition assignment

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy -Fun Friday!

Wednesday 28 April 2021

 Assessments returned this week:

  • Book Talk (oral communication)
  • Ringo (reading)
  • George Floyd Article response (writing)

Schedule for Thursday April 29th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: Try this Gratitude Experiment.  It could count for both "take notice" and "connecting"

9:00  - Community Circle - Future Fun Friday planning

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math  - continue with integers

11:20 - Music and Dance

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Digital Literacy Lesson #4

Tuesday 27 April 2021


We started dance this morning. Please make sure that you have answered these questions in you learning journal:

1. How has dance changed over time? (Remember I asked you to think a little deeper about gender and racial issues in society...)

2. If the video was extended to include dances that became popular in 2020, which dances do you predict you would see?


Here is the link to the Water Filtration Challenge. This is due Friday May 14th. Please get creative and have fun with this! 

Digital Literacy Lessons
Great discussion today around online hate. Here is the pyramid we discussed:

Schedule for Wednesday April 28th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: After watching this video decide how you will help yourself to be a happier person today? Can you add it to your Wake up to Wellness Challenge?

9:00  - Phys Ed

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math  - continue with integers

11:20 - Health - continue with substance misuse

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - finish yesterday's Digital Literacy lesson

2:00 - Work period Geography and Science assignments

Monday 26 April 2021

Congratulation to Sam and Ellen for their performances in the YRDSB poetry slam. Their poems contributed to a Moraine Hills win of the competition!!!!!

We are so proud of you!

Wake up to Wellness Challenge

Please add to your wake up to wellness challenge card each day.


Today we continued with subtraction of integers. Please make sure you have the answer to (-4) - (+3) in your learning journal. Please fully explain you answer using at least one model.

Schedule for Tuesday April 27th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: watch this video. Could you connect with someone today and tell them why they are so important to you?

9:00 - Community Circle

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math  - continue with integers

11:20 - Science - water filtration investigation introduction

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Digital citizenship lesson #3

 Music assignment for Mr. Targonsky's class.

Your challenge is to compose a short piece of music on the Chrome Music Lab using either binary, ternary or rondo form.

Here is the link to Chrome Music Lab

Here is the link to my example (rondo)

Friday 23 April 2021

Assessments returned today:

  • Eco Leader Projects (Media Literacy)
  • Next Ringo Assignment due Monday
  • George Floyd Article writing assignment due Monday
  • Earth Day Geography assignment due Wednesday

Schedule for Monday April 26th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: Monday Meditation

9:00 - Community Circle - Wake up to Wellness Challenge!

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Integers

11:20 - Health - Substance Misuse

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Book talks

2:00 - Phys Ed

Thursday 22 April 2021

Happy Earth Day!!!

 Gauss Math Contest

As we talked about this morning, here is the information and form for the contest if you are interested.

Gauss Contest Information

Form to participate

Math - Integers

Using a model (or models) that we discussed in class today please answer the following question:

(-5) + (+8) =

This can either be in your learning journal or shared with me in chat.

Earth Day Geography Assignment

Schedule for Fun Friday April 23rd

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: After watching this video, please list the "five ways to wellbeing" and how you specifically include them in your life. ie - how do you connect with others?

9:00 - Community Circle

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Fun Friday!

11:20 - Fun Friday - Earth Day Breakout!

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Book talks, Lesson: Behaving Ethically Online

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Assessments returned so far this week:

  • Movie Review (Science, Geography, Writing)
  • This is Surreal! (Art)
  • Responses to LWTW - Water for South Sudan films (science)

Newsela Article on George Floyd Verdict

Using the article we discussed today, please complete the following writing assignment: What does this guilty verdict mean for North American society? Why is this significant? Refer back to historical examples to support your answer.

I will be assessing you on your organization of your ideas and SPG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). This is due Monday.

Schedule for Thursday April 22nd - Earth Day!

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness - Earth Day Edition - Choose your favourite line from this Poem by Prince EA. What can you do to support the wellness of the earth?

9:00 - Community Circle

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Integers

11:20 - Health - Continue with Substance Misuse

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Book talks, Earth Day discussion on One Earth

Tuesday 20 April 2021

 Thank you to Alex and Brianna from TRCA for your presentation on microplastics!

Please apply this knowledge to what we have been learning about water systems and answer the following question in your learning journal:

How do macroplastics and microplastics effect our local watershed?

Is that a nurdle in the microscope? My new favourite word - but definitely not our friend.

Schedule for Wednesday April 21st

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: Please watch this video and reflect in your Journal of Joy. What did you learn? How can you apply it to your life?

9:00 - Phys Ed

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Integers!

11:20 - Health - Continue with Substance Misuse

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Book talks, Digital Footprint continued...

Monday 19 April 2021

MHPS Earth Day Challenge!

Hello MHPS! Here is the link to the Earth Day Jeopardy Challenge created by the grade eights!

MHPS Earth Day Challenge!

 I wish I could see your beautiful faces in person instead of this...

Oh well... we are keeping each other safe. That is most important.

Thank you for making me laugh this morning - you guys are the best!

Reminders for today:

  1. Set three goals for yourself while we are learning online. (in distance learning journal)
  2. Write a reflection of today's Wake up to Wellness in your Journal of Joy. What did you learn for the video? How will you apply this to your life? I'll be asking some to read their reflection tomorrow morning. (and each morning after that...)
  3. Prepare your book talk. Those will begin Wednesday. What book are you reading? What do you think so far (writing style, characters ect...) What predictions or wonderings do you have? This is an oral mark. I'll be listening for clarity of voice and well thought out answers.
Schedule for Tuesday April 20th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness Please watch this video. What do they mean when they say "own your peace?"

9:00 - Community circle

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Science - Guest teachers from TRCA (Toronto Region Conservation Authority)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy

Wednesday 14 April 2021


Time to pivot again!

As I am sure you have all heard, we are headed back to online learning starting on Monday. We will continue to use the daily Google Meet code that we have been using - if you are unsure of the code, please send me a private message in Google Chat. I am not available online until Sunday night, so I will not be able to respond to any messages until that time. I hope you are having a wonderful break! "See" you all on Monday! 

Here is our schedule for Monday:

8:30 - 9:00 Wake up to Wellness Please Watch This Short Video

9:00 - Community Circle check in

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - Integers!

11:20 - Health - Substance Use and Abuse

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Intro to book talks

2:00 - Phys ed

Friday 9 April 2021

 This morning we played Watermelon Chess.

A great game to teach your family over the break!

MHPS Earth Week

Please make sure I have all of the pieces for your Eco Leaders campaign, so I can compile everything and be ready for earth week when we return.

  • 5 Jeopardy Questions
  • Slide show for grades K - 4
  • Slide show for grades 5-8
  • Twitter post
  • Website article
  • Announcement

I hope you have a safe and wonderful break!

Thursday 8 April 2021

 Reminders for tomorrow:

  • Art - "This is Surreal" is due
  • All 5 parts to your Eco Leaders project needs to be ready for me to compile and assemble for the school over the break.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

 Assessments returned so far this week:

  • Math Algebra test
  • Long Walk to Water Chapter 14/15 questions
Today we reviewed vocabulary and we discussed the possible implications of the potential rezoning proposal in this newspaper article.

We also looked at the overall changes to the Richmond Hill landscape using Google Earth Timelapse

Excellent outdoor drumming session today!

Eco Leaders
Tomorrow we will present the five pieces to our Earth Week campaign and we will give feedback to our classmates as to how we can improve.

Tuesday 6 April 2021


 A Long Walk to Water

Today we watched these films below about Salva and Water for South Sudan.

Please answer the following:

1. Apply the science concepts that we have been talking about to explain how Water for South Sudan is bringing water to seemingly dry land?

2. Why can't they just save the water from the rainy season in large cisterns to get through the dry season?

3. What lessons have you learned from Salva that you can apply to your own life?

Please remember that you "This is Surreal" project is due Friday

Grad Photos
Grad photos has been scheduled for April 28th.