Friday 28 January 2022

 Our baby plants are ready to leave the nursery!

They have grown their own roots.

We planted them in their new homes.

We completed our observations.

We will care for them at school for a while. How can we help our baby plants to stay healthy?

"Put it into the sun." Kaylynn

"Give it water." Emma

Wednesday 26 January 2022

 We have been working on our sight words quite a bit lately. 

"Sight words are words that should be memorized to help a child learn to read and write. Learning sight words allows a child to recognize these words at a glance — on sight — without needing to break the words down into their individual letters and is the way strong readers recognize most words. Knowing common, or high frequency, words by sight makes reading easier and faster, because the reader does not need to stop to try and sound out each individual word, letter by letter." (

At home, if you are able, keep a look out for these words in daily life and point them out. While reading, playing games etc...

Right now our list of sight words includes:

  • the
  • and
  • to
  • it
  • is
  • can
  • this

We did lots of measuring today!
We made a balance scale out of a coat hanger. 

Inside the blue bag was a mystery item!

We had to figure out what was in the bag comparing its weight to the other items that we put in the pink bag. In this picture - the blue bag is heavier than the pink bag.

Here were the items were were comparing by weight. We discovered the rock was the heaviest - it pulled the hanger down the most. The pom pom was the lightest.

Later we used another balance scale for exploration.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Ms. Babcock started the day with some beautiful affirmations. First we said them out loud and then we wrote them down and decorated them! So beautiful.

More fresh snow! What shall we do? Make snow ice cream!

Pour in the sweetened condensed milk.

Add some vanilla.
Add the snow
Stir until it feels like ice cream.


Mmmmm... sooo good.

Monday 24 January 2022

In library this morning, Mrs. Angastiniotis started reading the Blue Spruce Awards books to us. We are part of a national book club that will vote on our favourite book!

Today she read "Harley the Hero"

I loved this conversation:

Mrs. A "What is a superhero?"

Melissa "I'm a superhero!"

Mrs. A "What does a hero do?"

Ariana "They are kind."

Kian "They do good."

Mrs. A "Who are the heros in our world?"

"Teachers" "Police" "Ambulance"

Continuing our "Finding our Flavours" learning about food we read "Community Soup"


Then we made our own community soup.

Thursday 20 January 2022

 In continuing with our "Finding our Flavours" exploration of food and cooking, we read "Pancakes, Pancakes" by Eric Carle.

Unlike Jack, we can get all of the ingredients at a grocery store. 

So we made shopping lists!

We are working on sounding out our words so we can begin to write on our own, rather than waiting for someone to tell us how to spell all the words we want to write down.

We did some pancake math too!

So many creative toppings for our pancakes! Everything from the classic syrup and chocolate chips to jelly beans and unicorn sprinkles!

Wednesday 19 January 2022

 It was so nice to be back in the classroom today!

We started the day checking in on our black-eyed peas.

We had some great questions!

What a beautiful day for outdoor learning! (Do I say that a lot?)

We took some containers out to all the fresh packing snow and made some sculptures and structures.

"Circle containers make good castles!"
"Rectangle containers make good walls!"

Tuesday 18 January 2022

 Another snow day! What shall we do? Make snow bread!

Gather the ingredients! (cornmeal too...)


Press it firmly into the pan.

Today's snow was very fluffy! I needed to add more snow.

Bread can be more than just food. We learn this in the beautiful book "Fry Bread".

Wednesday 12 January 2022

 Our Black-Eyed Peas have pushed out their roots!

Here are the measuring tools we used for our measurement in the kitchen activity. Try some kitchen measuring at your house too!

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Today we made soup! (and practiced our list writing too!)

Chop, chop, chippity chop.

Cut off the bottom and cut off the top.

What we have left... we'll throw in the pot.

Chop, chop chippity chop.

Monday 10 January 2022

 Happy Monday!

In the spirit of Shante Keys and the New Year's Peas, we started growing Black-Eyed Peas today in a sprouter. We'll check in on them each day. Cross your fingers - hopefully we will be able to grow sprouts together in the classroom next week (and not in my kitchen)! ðŸ¤ž

Thursday 6 January 2022


I wish we could be together in the classroom as we start the new year together. I miss seeing your beautiful faces. Hopefully we will be back together again soon!

We have started the year with New Year's Resolutions!

Here are some of our ideas!

Our first book of the year is Shante Keys and The New Year's Peas.

The characters in this story have special foods that they eat when they are celebrating with their family.

We talked about the special foods in our families.
We will continue to look at food and recipes in the coming days. 

We are looking forward to making a class recipe book. What special family recipe would you share in our recipe book?