Monday 25 January 2021

What is your one word this week? How will you stick to it?

Science - Naked Egg Osmosis

Final observations:

In your learning journals, please write down the observations for all three stages of this lab (vinegar, corn syrup and water with food colouring). Write conclusions for each stage - make sure you are including vocabulary - and explain the "why" of what happened. Here is a link to the video we watched in class.

Poetry Slam

Our class poetry slam will be next Thursday (Feb 4th) I am available for feedback all this week - all you have to do is ask!

Here is the success criteria for the written work (not the delivery or performance)

1. Descriptive language - metaphor/simile

2. Stats and quotes to support your ideas

3. Mic drop ending

4. What? - So What? - Now What?

5. SPG

Schedule - Tuesday January 26th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Box Breathing

9:00 - Orbiting Jupiter (Google Meet)

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - (Google Meet)

11:20 - Health - Body Image (Google Meet)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 - Poetry slam -  (Google Meet - Individual shared docs)

2:00 - Phys Ed.

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