Sunday 10 January 2021

 Grade Eight Music (Targonsky and Nye)  


Beat - Steady? Strong? Implied? Played outright?

Tempo - Largo? Andante? Allegro? Presto?

Dynamics - Piano? Forte? Crescendo? Decrescendo?

Timbre - the tone colours of the instruments (not actual colours)

Texture - Thin? Thick?

The piece of music above is from a movie. Your assignment is to write a full analysis of the music using the vocabulary we have discussed in class for each of the elements of music.

Once you have analysed the music, you will apply this analysis into your storyboard assignment.

Using the storyboard template linked here create a storyboard for what is happening in this scene based on the music you hear. You may need to use two templates. On your storyboard please include timestamps in the recording so I know how your storyboard lines up with the music.

I do not want a summary of what actually happens in the movie! I want you to be creative and storyboard  NEW and totally different scene that would reflect this music.