Friday 22 January 2021

How will you get your colour back this weekend? 

Ringo Reading Responses.

Your first ringo is due on Monday. Please put it in your learning journal - with a clear title and date.

Community Joy Project

Photographs of your contribution to our community art gallery are due to me by Monday. Please email the photos to me. Here is my latest work for my community art gallery. This weekend I have plans to make a larger scale piece - and I'm going to try the ice lantern idea!

Naked Egg Osmosis

Here are the photos of today's portion of the lab. Make sure you have observations from what we saw today and a hypothesis as to what will happen over the weekend. Remember! A level 3 or 4 hypothesis explains WHY.


Poetry Slam

This poem is totally awesome for so many reasons. They talk a lot about different themes we have been exploring this year. I bring it to you as an example of the mic drop ending. How will you end you poem to leave the audience with a "WOW"?

Schedule - Monday January 25th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Dancing!

9:00 - Community Circle - (Google Meet)

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - (Google Meet)

11:20 - Orbiting Jupiter (Google Meet and Jamboard)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 - Science-Complete lab  (Google Meet)

2:00 - Poetry slam -  (Google Meet - Individual shared docs)

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