Wednesday 20 January 2021

 Music - Storyboard assignment

Due date: January 29th (this is the due date for both 8Nye and 8Targonsky)

Click here for the music for this assignment

Step 1 - Analyse the music based on the five elements of music that we have been discussing; Beat, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre and Texture.

Step 2 - based on your analysis create a storyboard for a new and original scene. The music would be the soundtrack for your scene. The music dictates what is happening in your scene. For example, if the tempo is presto or vivace but then slows down to an andante perhaps someone was running and they are growing tired and have to slow to a walk. 

Sample storyboard:

Orbiting Jupiter

Here is the role on the wall we worked on together. If you were to choose this for your reading response, I would be looking for you to analyse the role on the wall in writing as we did orally in class. 

Poetry Slam

What an amazing poem delivered today by Amanda Gorman for the inauguration! Today we talked about what an extended metaphor might look like. Look at the example below where G. Yamazawa uses the grenade/weaponry/war metaphor throughout his poem. It helps paint the picture and it gives it unity.

Schedule - Thursday January 21th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Stretching for energy!

9:00 - Phys Ed

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - (Google Meet)

11:20 - Science - Lab check- in, Health - Body Image (Google Meet)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 - Orbiting Jupiter -  (Google Meet)

2:00 - Poetry slam -  (Google Meet - Individual shared docs)

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