Thursday 28 January 2021


  • Your music assignment is due tomorrow
  • Math quiz on Tuesday
  • Health - Body Confidence Pledge is due Tuesday
  • Our class poetry slam is on Thursday
  • Monday (Feb 1st) is a PA day - no classes
Health  - Body Image
Your challenge is to write your own personal Body Confidence Pledge. Make sure you write things that you truly believe in and are willing to follow through with. Once you have settled on your pledge, add images that compliment or illustrate your pledge. Consider the three R's of responsible media as you choose your images.

Schedule - Thursday January 28th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Start the day with laughter!

9:00 - Friday Funday - (it's a surprise...)

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - (Google Meet)

11:20 - Looking ahead - High School (My pathways/blueprint)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 - Orbiting Jupiter (Google Meet)

2:00 -Poetry slam -  (Google Meet - Individual shared docs)

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