Monday 18 January 2021

What is your one word mission this week? The word I chose was "efficient". I have a boatload of work to do this week and I'm going to work on being efficient. How can I best use my time?

Community Joy Project

How is your ice sculpture coming along? Have you contributed to our community art gallery yet? Please have your photographs of this art project to me by Monday (25th).


Excellent group work today! In your learning journal please tell me what information you need to know to find a rotation. Also please have the definitions for the following: Rotation, Angle of Rotation, Direction of Rotation, and Point of Rotation (also called center of rotation)

Body Image

Many of your journal answers last week used the term "perfect body" . In your learning journal, please write your definition of what a perfect body is. Also please note the words that came up regularly in other people's definitions.

Orbiting Jupiter

I read a very tense passage today. There is no journal entry today. Just process all of the information that we learned about Joseph's story. Is there anything you don't understand? Just ask.

Poetry Slam

One of the best poetry slams of all time! In your learning journal, please note examples of simile and metaphor in this speech. Please make sure by tomorrow you know which of your poems is THE poem for you. This is the one that you will work on all week this week to prepare it for our class slam. Tomorrow I will give you time to start to infuse metaphor and simile into your writing to make your descriptions clear. Paint pictures with your words.

Schedule - Tuesday January 19th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Breathing Exercise

9:00 - Orbiting Jupiter (Google Meet)

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Math - (Google Meet)

11:40 - Science - (Google Meet) 

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 -  Poetry Slam  - (Google Meet and shared documents)

2:00 - Phys ed

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