Monday 18 January 2021

 Notes from Nature...

The Saga of Carla the Duck

On the weekend, my sister, Christine, was out bird watching in a beautiful place where Trumpeter Swans and ducks gather. 

Here is a family of Trumpeter Swans. Mom and Dad up front and behind are the cygnets with some grey feathers still.

Christine was taking pictures (she's quite a photographer) when she noticed a female mallard duck that allowed her to get quite close.

Upon further observation, Christine noticed that the duck's bill was broken. She took more pictures and posted them to social media to see if anyone could help. Many people were very interested in helping and an animal sanctuary nearby offered to take her. But first they had to capture her! 

They made a plan to pick her up this morning, but so many people showed up to help that they duck (now named Carla) understandably got nervous and hid. Now what? 

So now folks are tracking Carla's movement to figure out where and when to best try to pick her up. When she is spotted, people take pictures and note her location and the time. 

Best case scenario - Carla will be picked -up, assessed, rehabilitated and then released back in the wild. If she is unable to obtain and eat food on her own they will keep her at the wildlife sanctuary where they can care for her.

I'll keep you up to date as the saga of Carla the Duck continues...

Buckthorn Berry Ink

Today we boiled the buckthorn berries and mashed them with some vinegar. Now they need to cool and we'll strain them later this week.

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