Friday 8 January 2021

 Overall - great first week of online learning! Thanks everyone!

Orbiting Jupiter

Please answer the following question in your Distance Learning Journal:

The author writes, “ Mr. Canton wore brown shoes that looked like someone had shined them ten minutes ago.  There wasn’t a scuff on them. Not even the toes.  How would you do that, wear shoes without a mark on them?”  Why do you think Jack notices Mr. Canton's shoes? Tell why this line of the story is important? 

Literacy/History Quote Essay

I have had feedback sessions with many of you. Please take the time to apply my suggestions as you revise your work. PLEASE read the rubric on the Assignment Outline - Linked here and make sure your a covering what I am looking for.

Poetry Slam

By now you should have three poems in rough draft. Today we looked at personification. What would forgiveness have to tell you if it was a person? What would humour have to say?

Here is am example of emotions personified:

Here is an example of numbers personified:

Have a wonderful weekend!

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