Wednesday 25 November 2020

 Assessments returned today:

  • Probability game - math
  • Locker plan - writing
  • Article about Arizona Coyotes - reading
Today we began an new project called "Hair Today"
We are examining "gaze" as an element of art. Who is doing the looking? Who/what is being looked at? What is revealed?(or not)
Looking at the work of artist Lorna Simpson we are creating self portraits of ourselves - but from the back. What will you direct the viewer to look at. What do you reveal or force into gaze?

Compare and contrast the foundations and/or building blocks that lead up to the formation of Canada and the United States. Quote and site outside resources to support your ideas. This is due Monday.

Bird Feeders Club!
Welcome to our newest official member - Peter!

Bending ice? How did this happen?

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