Tuesday 10 November 2020

 Parent/Teacher Interviews!

This year because of the Covid restrictions, we cannot have the interviews in person. I will be conducting my interviews using Google Meet. Please help your families sign into Google Meet through your YRDSB Gapps account. In the interest of privacy, I will set up a separate meet for each interview.​ The meet code will be my last name and your time of interview.

For example, if your interview is at 3:15 your Google Meet code will be Nye315.

If I am not in the meeting when you sign in- please be patient, I may be running a minute or two late.

Also please understand that I have quite a few back-to-back meetings and I will need to limit the interviews to 15 minutes.

Amazing leadership!

Today we came up with a plan to safely re-open our lockers for use. We presented our plan to Mrs. Snow and we have approval to be the pilot class to test out if we can safely re-open the lockers. This is awesome - but also comes with great responsibility. I know we can rise to the challenge!

I love our natural remembrance day wreath.

Thank you so much to Masih and Wilbur for creating the wreath and to Michael for creating our scroll.


Joy Project

I am getting so many positive comments about the joy projects that are happening - both from teachers and students! So proud! We are spreading joy around this community. Make sure you persevere and see your project through to completion.


Tomorrow we will look more carefully at the Green New Deal

Here is a link that we will use tomorrow (if you want to preview it...)

Green New Deal Original Document

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