Wednesday 18 November 2020


  • Green New Deal (Milky Chance Blog Post) mini-presentations are tomorrow. Please practice. I am marking not only the information that you share but also how you share it. Clarity of voice and eye contact.
  • Math probability games are due Friday. Please go over the assignment sheet and rubric (on Monday's blog post) to make sure you are completing the requirements.
We spent some time talking about perseverance. We worked on an activity that tested our perseverance. Talk to your family at home about it. Have you persevered with your Joy Project? Have you seen it through to completion?

We are learning about how the United States of America was founded on many contradictions to say the least. Canada, we will soon find out, wasn't much better. 

Bird Feeders Club
Great success today - a cardinal came close - but remained shy. A new challenge!

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