Monday 18 May 2020

Advice from Charlie Brown Week - Day 1

Start of the week check-in
This week we will try a Rewind - Pause - Fast Forward.
Thinking about the last week, please tell me what things you wish you could rewind and do again, what things you wish you could pause on, and what things you wish you could have fast forwarded through.

Community Circle on Google Meet
This Wednesday at 2:30 pm we will have a class Community Circle on Google Meet.
You should have an invitation in your gapps email.
Please tell everyone you are in contact with - I'd really like all of us there.
Before you join the Community Circle (meeting) please turn your camera and microphone off.
We will take turns talking - just like in our regular community circles. When it is your turn to talk then you can turn on your mic.
I'm really looking forward to gathering together as a class again!

Data management assignment.
Due Friday.
Using the data you collected last week please complete the following:
1. Create a graph that best represents the data you collected.
2. Write about who could use this data to their advantage and why. For example, if you were collecting data on the colours of cars, perhaps a paint company or a car company could use this data.
3. Create a second graph - of the same data - but now use one of the techniques we learned about that can make a graph misleading. (see blogpost on April 19th)
4. Explain your second graph and how it can be used by the people in your answer to question #2.

Success criteria:
- my graphs are clear and fully labelled
- I explained the data a collected and who could use that data to their advantage
- I was able to use one of the techniques we learned about to manipulate my data.

The ongoing robin's nest saga
I have sad news and good news. First the sad. The nest that was built over our back porch light has been abandoned and the egg is gone. I don't know what happened, but I noticed that the mama robin wasn't on the nest for an extended time and so I took a peek - no egg. I was very saddened by this.

Now the good news! With the warmer weather, we have started to bring our indoor plants outside. I have a large citrus tree that my grandma started from a lime seed. It looks like this:

Yesterday we noticed robins checking the tree out and sitting inside on the thicker branches.
Low and behold - this morning they started bringing nesting materials:

and they are building a nest in there!
Look carefully - you'll see the robin in there:

I will keep you up to date as this develops!

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