Monday 14 June 2021

Notes From Nature...

My first caterpillar of the year is still growing like crazy. I believe soon (today or tomorrow) they will go on walk-about and get ready to hang in "J" and move into chrysalis stage.
Last year, a couple of robins built a nest on our back porch light. We left it as it is such an amazing feat of engineering! Well, either the builders have returned, or new robins have moved in. Either way - there are four eggs! I love the excitement of spring!

Last Writing Assignment!

A Piece of Advice From Those Who Know...

Please write a letter to my class next year. Tell them what it is like to be in Mrs. Nye's homeroom. What advice do you have for them? What do they need to do to become successful in my class?

I will be marking it based on letter format and spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Schedule for Tuesday June 15th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: How to Stay Motivated

9:00  - Community Circle - Celebrating Strong Indigenous Voices

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Financial Literacy

11:20 - Health

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Long Way Down - 2nd floor

2:00 - Ignite!

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