Thursday 3 June 2021

My Playlist

Please make sure you have opened a test project and have tried out recording your voice. Explore Soundtrap. - We will continue this tomorrow.


Long Way Down

We have arrived at the elevator. In your learning journal, predict what you think will happen in the next minute as Will travels down the elevator. Remember: level 3 and 4 answers give evidence from the book to support your ideas.

Schedule for Friday June 4th

8:30 - Wake up to Wellness: A lesson in self worth - Don't ever forget it!

9:00  - Phys ed

9:30 - French

10:10 - Break

10:30 - Math - Fun Friday!

11:20 - My Playlist - Soundtrap exploration continued

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent reading

1:30 - Literacy - Long Way Down - review predictions

2:00 - Fun Friday!

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