Friday 5 February 2021

Thank you to Mr. Rawlins and Ms. Christopoulos from RHHS. Also to Tony, Caleb and Chantelle. It is great to hear as much as we can about our exciting times to come in high school! Hope you are considering either instrumental or vocal music for one of your electives next year. Amazing friendships grow in the music room at high school.


  • Body Systems Survivor round 1 will be on Monday
  • Code your Hero is due Friday (you will get class time for this)
  • Orbiting Jupiter Sketch note is due Tuesday Feb 16th

Schedule - Monday February 8th

8:30 -Wake up to Wellness - Five minute Meditation for Teens

9:00 - Community Circle

9:30 - French

10:10 - Recess

10:30 - Science (Google Meet - shared script docs)

11:20  - Math (Google Meet - Scratch)

12:10 - Lunch

1:10 - Independent Reading

1:30 - Literacy - Poetry Slam (Google Meet)

2:00 - Literacy - Black History Month (Google Meet)

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